روز درختکاری گرامی باد
Sunset in Bandar Abbas

Municipality news

Breaking news

Congratulations message of the head of Investment organizaiton

Bahador expresses his congratulations message on Eid-al Qorban

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Message of Condolences

The head of the Investment Organization expressed his conolences

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Congratulation message of the head of Investment Organization

The head of the investment organization congratulates the national day of the Persian Gulf

Bahador expresses his congratulations message on Eid-al Qorban
The head of the Investment Organization expressed his conolences
The head of the investment organization congratulates the national day of the Persian Gulf
The Haft-Seen table, or the table of seven things that start with the letter S, is a family activity

The most important

news headlines of the Investment

Some 300 million people celebrate the Persian New Year, which has been observed for 3,000 years in different regions

Some 300 million people celebrate the Persian New Year, which has been observed for 3,000 years in different regions

Nowruz means 'new day' in Persian and is the most important festival of the year in Iran. It is also celebrated in a number of other countries across the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, the Balkans and East Africa, and dates back at least 3,000 years. The holiday has changed over the thousands of years that it has been celebrated, and different regions have preserved or developed different traditions, as well as adding new ones. But wherever it is observed, it celebrates the original message of rebirth and renewal.?When is it celebrated

The joint webinar between Bandar Abbas Municipality and Ningbo Municipality of China

The joint webinar between Bandar Abbas Municipality and Ningbo Municipality of China

The joint webinar between Bandar Abbas Municipality and Ningbo Municipality of China aimed to enhance interaction between the two cities and explore potential areas of cooperation in line with their sisterhood relationship


Abdolreza Bahador

Head of the organization