Bandar Abbas, a Window on the World
Bandar Abbas is one of the largest ports in Iran, the capital of Hormozgan province
This city with an area of 125 square kilometers is located in the south of Hormozgan province and extends from the north to the mountainous areas and from the south to the sea
The port complex of Shahid Rajaei and Shahid Bahonar port as a place for moving goods and building large and industrial factories has turned it into the most important area of the country in the field of commerce and industry
This city is bordered by Hajiabad from the north, Minab from the east, Bandar Khmeir and Bandar Lenge from the west, and the Persian Gulf from the south
The closest city to Bandar Abbas is Qeshm (the center of Qeshm Island) with a distance of nearly 28 km, and its distance to Tehran is 1287 km, to Isfahan 933 km, to Shiraz 577 km and to Kerman 491 km
Bandar Abbas is one of the old cities of the country with many ups and downs. This port was chosen during the reign of Darius the Achaemenid to establish sea communication with the important ports of China and India. . The heyday of Bandar Abbas dates back to the 13th century, and after that the Portuguese used it to load their goods. In the past, this historical port was known by other names such as Gambron, Gameron and Jeron, but finally in 1622 AD, after the campaign of Shah Abbas I and expelling the Portuguese from Iran, in honor of this victory, Gambron was renamed to Bandar Abbas
Culture and Customs of Bandar Abbas
Due to its geographical and economic location, Bandar Abbas has always been the place where people from different parts of Iran and the world live, and this has made the local culture and customs of Bandar Abbas a rich and diverse collection of different cultures
For example, the clothing of women in this region includes chadors, dresses and Bandari pants with bright colors, And if we look carefully at the way they are dressed, we will find out that it is very similar to Indian clothes, which is actually the result of cultural interactions between India and Bandar Abbas.
The people of Bandar Abbas speak the Bandari dialect, this dialect has been influenced by the arrival of ethnic groups and immigrants from different countries and even from other regions of our country, and it contains terms from Arab people to Africans, Oranges, Dutch and English and even different ethnic groups from all over Iran, and it contains terms from Arab people to Africans, Portuguese, Dutch and English and even different ethnic groups from all over Iran
The local customs of Bandar Abbas are a combination of the rituals of different tribes from all over the world, which have been considered among the people of this region since ancient times until today
Bandar Abbas weather
Bandar Abbas has a hot and humid climate. In general, it has cool weather from mid-November to mid-April. In May and June, the weather is dry, and in July to October it is humid. The temperature of this city reaches almost 52 degrees Celsius on hot days, and 2 degrees Celsius on the coldest days of the year. The average rainfall of Bandar Abbas is approximately 200 mm
Bandar Abbas cities and villages
According to the country divisions, Bandar Abbas consists of 6 districts, 13 rural districts and 6 cities. The parts of Bandar Abbas are known as Central, Shamil, Fin, Ghale Ghazi, Takht and Hormuz, and its cities are Hormuz, Ghale Ghazi, Lower Tazian, Fin and Takht
The villages of Bandar Abbas include: Sarkhun, Siahoo, Gachin, Tazian, Isin, Shamil, Hasan Langi, Fin, Gohreh, Ghale Ghazi, Dehno, Takht and Jallabi
The economy of Bandar Abbas
The economy of Bandar Abbas can be analyzed from different angles. . Due to its climatic and geographical conditions, this province has agricultural lands, citrus and palm gardens. Thus, various products such as dates, tangerines, mangoes and citrus fruits are produced in this region. As mentioned above, tobacco, Arde and Muscati are considered as other valuable products of this province
Also, the existence of minerals such as oil, gas, chromite, steel, aluminum and red soil are considered as other economic strengths of this province. On the other hand, the location of Bandar Abbas next to the Persian Gulf and oil wells allows it to export products such as oil products, gas, pearls and fisheries to all parts of the world. The existence of Shahid Rajaei commercial port and Iran customs in Bandar Abbas has turned it into the economic hub of the country
Bandar Abbas Tourist Attractions
The presence of the Persian Gulf in the vicinity of Bandar Abbas and its ancient history has made this area to have many natural and historical attractions, which can be mentioned below
Kollah Farangi Mansion
Rain ponds
Water & Anthropology Museum
Indian Tomb
Shah Mohammad Taghi Shrine
Naseri Mosque
Galedari Mosque
Bandar Abbas Old Pier
Bandar Abbas Birds’ Garden
Geno Spa
Bandar Abbas souvenirs and handicrafts
Handicrafts of Bandar Abbas are proof of the gentle and warm spirit of the people of this land and are rooted in its old culture. By traveling to Bandar Abbas, we will witness hand-made structures such as statues, panels and other decorative objects made of all kinds of shells and corals. Also, the women artists of this region perform beautiful embroidery such as Glabtun embroidery, Khoosdoozi, Badleh embroidery and needlework on the local and beautiful clothes of this region
In addition to the mentioned handicrafts that you can take as souvenirs of this city for your loved ones, products such as dates and its products, citrus fruits and fisheries of Bandar Abbas are also among the other choices to buy a delicious souvenir from this city
Bandar Abbas Local Cuisines
Among the delicious local dishes of this region, we can mention such things as Mehiyaveh, Hawari, Belalit, Zibon, Squid and fish
Tips that you need to know when traveling to Bandar Abbas
Bandar Abbas is one of the hottest regions of the country, with scorching sun, torrential rains and hot weather. Therefore, don't forget sunglasses, a hat, and the right sunscreen while traveling. On the other hand, the occasional heavy rains of this city may surprise you, and having an umbrella is necessary to prevent getting wet. Having suitable cotton clothes for traveling to Bandar Abbas is one of the other ways to escape from the heat of this city. To visit the tourist and commercial places of this city, bring suitable walking shoes, water bottle and some food and snacks
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